Our Services

Bina Xinjing is an experienced and professional company which expertise in various type of shaft construction methods, trenchless method pipe jacking, and man-shield excavation method pipe jacking for underground tunnel and sewage systems.

Bina Xinjing provide tunnel boring machine (TBM) & Jacking Equipment rental service which mainly use in trenchless method pipe installation for underground tunnel and sewage system.

Micro-tunnelling by Pipe-Jacking

Pipe Jacking is a technique for installing underground pipelines using Powerful hydraulic jacks to push the specially designed pipes through the ground behind a thrust shield at the same time excavation is taking place with the aid of Micro Tunnel Boring Machine.

Micro-tunnelling by pipe-jacking is a process that uses a remotely controlled micro-tunnelling boring machine combined with pipe jacking technique to directly install pipelines underground in a single pass.The process is an idea solution where traditional open cut methods cannot be implemented due to site constraint and any other surface physical discouragement.

Micro-tunnelling is a process where the workforce does not routinely work in the tunnel and is accurate to tolerances of one inch which is crucial when working around buries utilities. The boring machines can be operated and launched from either shafts or cofferdams and can tunnel through a variety of ground condition.

Our Projects

Bina Xinjing Sdn Bhd